B2B Online company meetings at Conxemar 2024: International Frozen Seafood Exhibition

26 de abril de 2024 Fondos estructurales

This event is organized by the Galician Enterprise Europe Network in liason with Conxemar to serve as a meeting platform for the entire seafood industry: wholesalers, importers, exporters, transformers, manufacturers, distributors, cold storages, machinery, auxiliary industry (cooling, packaging, plastics, etc.).

Participants will have the possibility to get a free meeting agenda.

The virtual meetings can be carried out from the 23rd of September to the 11th of October with a duration of 20 minutes each.

This specially designed B2B allows all the registered participants to identify the products & services of their interest while sending requests to the relevant companies to organize pre-scheduled meetings.

Topics addressed

  • Food (Aquaculture, Bivalve, Canned Food, Cephalopods, Crustaceans, Fish, Ice Creams/Pastries, Meat Products, Molluscs, Other seafood, Prepared Entrees, Value added seafood & fish, Vegetables)
  • Additives
  • Auxiliary industries & machinery
  • Related services

Why participate?

Regardless of your organization type, participating in this event will be useful to your organization. Here is why:

  • Meet new customers and suppliers worldwide
  • Discover new products & services
  • Find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions
  • Get information about the latest trends
  • Initiate and arrange 1:1 meetings online
  • Meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
  • Stay one step ahead of your competitors

More information